Family Rooms
Self-catering rooms (Family rooms) The rooms accommodates 2 adults and 2 kids, double bed, and there 14 rooms available
Self-catering rooms (Family rooms) The rooms accommodates 2 adults and 2 kids, double bed, and there 14 rooms available
accommodates 12 people There are 4 x rooms. (2) rooms accommodate 4 people each. Other (1) room 2 people. The Last room 4 to 6 people with sleeper couches.
En-suite / Executive Duplex (B&B). If there are kids we have sleeper couches in the rooms. (All rooms have access to Wi-Fi). The delux rooms breakfast is included for 2 people. Single and family rooms breakfast.
What too expect. Self-catering rooms (Single rooms). The rooms accommodate 1 or 2 person/people. The number of rooms are 7, near the tennis court yard overlooking the banks of the Vaal River.